Friday 13 July 2012

just been paid review 13th july 2012

dear readers...

Not exactly gripping stuff this ongoing review of Just Been Paid but its working and the daily income is growing so its working as claimed. i’ve said before its actually enjoyable, going into the account every day and buying 2 or 3 more positions and compounding the interest. no more word on the ‘restart’ & i’ve actually bought another 110 positions since the cut-off date in March does seem a long time ago. No drama though - it’ll happen when it happens and in the meantime i’m just going to keep compounding the interest gained.
my first ever position expired a couple of days ago and is now waiting for another 3 tripler positions to expire to for me to qualify for a JSS Matrix position. That will be in another 6 days so i’ll see how quickly the Matrix positions cycle to get us our $60. Think the reason this scheme is being so successful is that members see a growth in their account every day and it becomes addictive to go in and check your interest and buy more positions.

its free to join, and + $10, More details about joining the programme HERE.
If interested and need help, you can send email to

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